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Crius II RTA from OBS: updating the legend

Crius II RTA from OBS: updating the legend

The vape products manufacturer OBS has long won the hearts of vapers. The company became popular after the release of Crius atomizer. Developers decided not to waste any time and worked on improving the model. Recently, they presented a novelty – Crius II.

The tank has an interesting and modern design. One can choose from three colors: blue, black and gray. An interesting feature is Resin drip tip.

OBS supported the trend of tanks with a single coil and 3D airflow. To install the coil there is one clamping post. The upper platform is made of zirconium. It has a positive effect on performance.

The device has bottom airflow system: the air gets to the coil through slots in the base, covering the coil from all sides. To adjust the airflow users should only turn the ring.

The tank has an unusual refilling system: the e-liquid can be added through the open lid and a special hole. The manufacturers call is OBS style filling system.

The price of an atomizer is $30.

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